I’ve had some thoughts these last couple of days with the continuous strikes going on in our country (south Africa – I’ve been reading that there are a couple happening in Europe at the moment too) and while they’ve been put on hold (for now, who knows when they’ll flare up again) I can’t help but reflect on the damage it has done.
I’m all for equality, decent wages and benefits but I question the manner that it’s taken place and think there may be better ways to make yourself heard.
The Major strikes have involved the public sector with teachers and Nurses coming under direct fire for the lack of responsibility for their actions, both fields by striking directly influence the well being of another (many others in fact) people can (and have) died without the required medical attention. Student’s education will suffer and I’m sure many Students in their final year of school will fail as a result of the strikes.
To add to this there is still an international recession happening, I know this makes everyone feel like they need more money but what can you do if it’s not there to be had, and I’m not attempting to attack what the strikers were striving for more the means, which brings me to the main part of my thought and possible solution.
The Government pays your wages and half the strikes I’m sure are started because you see higher officials lavishing their money on New vehicles, Fancy trips and beautiful houses. While they still fail to meet you’re measly in comparison demands, they know they haven’t left enough money to do so and quite honestly don’t seem to care.
So what’s my solution? Vote in the opposition, they’ll do a better job, and if they don’t and also seem to be bent on spending all the countries Money on their own lavish lifestyle. Then vote against them too, I know the ANC was very instrumental in playing the part of gaining this country and it’s people it’s Freedom, but now it’s using the Loyalty gained from that to enslavement of another kind.
You have a voice, use it, it’s the only way government can become liable for their governance. If the country stood up and started using its votes as a voice, people in charge would have to take notice and start trimming their budgets in order to make sure that the money was going to the right places. If they don’t they will be replaced, like any ob you can often become complacently comfortable not doing it to the best of your ability and you need a kick sometimes to realize it.
In addition to my appeal for you to use your “voice” to make Government accountable, I’m asking each and every one of you to do your job the best you can, and honestly. You’ll be surprised at how your hard work can pay off; people will notice and hopefully lead you to greater things. If you’re already in a good job and you’ve become complacent in the job, then perhaps it’s time for you to move on and allow someone with a fresh desire to take over. You’ll be surprised at how a change will make a difference in your approach to work too; you’ll find excitement again where you lost it.
So stand up South Africa, like you did in the world cup, and let’s work to make this country all it can be. We’re a proud Nation all of us, lets not let ourselves down.