Wednesday, 25 January 2012

At the heart of it

The Ships engines deep thrumming in the distant background - the sound and smell of the Ocean lapping against the Harbor wharfs, while its distant body rages itself against the shore, lights glinting across the bay and the murmur of people after a satisfyingly relaxing Sunday chilling to all of the above.

That’s what greeted us as we arrived at Zacks @ Wilsons Wharf. After helping Loz unload and set up his drum kit we took our beers around the side of the building and sat with our legs dangling over the worn concrete wall that dropped down to the harbor waters.

Absorbing it all as we sat there four, the shear size of the cranes used to load the ships against the size of the ships themselves which aren’t small, the realization that this part of the city never sleeps and as such the city doesn’t sleep. Just rests, there has always been a vibe about Durban, a great one, and I’ve always had the sense that it never sleeps, merely moves into moments of restfulness (which are beautiful when you’re in them).

Now I was looking at its heart surely, the clank and clunk and deep thrumping sound of the engine that drives the blood of this city, surely Durban is a tourist town – but this is where it started this is where it grew from, the rest is just the prettiness that has been appreciated. This is the biggest shipping port in Africa, and you can tell, though so often we don’t see it as we’re absorbed in one of its other many beautiful distractions…

I liked seeing the grit of what pushes its pulse though, attractive to me in its own right, the same way that a fathers sweat work streaked arms are attractive to his young child. There’s a security there in its solidity, as Loz said so long as you see the Ships lining up to get into Durban Harbour you know the economy is doing okay.

We finished off our beers and headed inside to tune up our guitars and get ready for the show, it was our first performance in Durban as the band, and we didn’t want to disappoint.

We gazed back over the water at the bump and clang just as we’d loaded the last of Loz’s drums back into his Car, sipping at the last of our beers. The shake of hand and hugged shoulders for a shared experience, then a drive like slumbering pushed blood into one of the city’s resting organs.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Where we is at

Wow two years gone, well almost – without anything. I’m surprised the powers that be didn’t just pull down my blog. No excuses it’s just life – to be honest I only kept regular updates on here when I first started the blog

I’m not going to make the promise of keeping my posts regular. I think my motto going forward is only make statements or commitments you definitely intend to keep. While I’d love to post to my blog regularly, it will end up taking I back seat to many other things in my life, saying that I’d like to post more of where I’ve been and what’s happening.

There are many experiences in the intervening year and a bit that would have been great to share as they happened… who knows perhaps if I get struck by the memory of it or find photos of them I might put a post up about it.

A lot has gone on during my Hiatus, in the world at large in my life and in my head, a big part has been getting myself right emotionally, something I think we all go through from time to time a big part of this was also my choice to move to Durban and New Jobs, all the while moving further away from Family and friends and the core of where our band was. I’m glad to say I was moving to other good friends at least and that I am now really settled and happy in my current Job and Durban as a whole – I see friends and family in the midlands at least one month a weekend, and the band are back to working at our music and getting out there and playing.

I don’t think anyone goes through life without picking up emotional scars; just don’t let them affect the way you carry on with your life.

So yeah I’m good and 2012 holds promise.

I’ve posted a couple pictures from a night out playing foozball with two of my best mates down here.