As A distraction from work today, I was looking up chinese year signs and so on, and then found a link to this Numerology site, wherer they offered to do a "short" free reading - so I thought why not and while later I got a reply, they did a reading on three numbers they work out for you, - your life path - your expression and your soul urge or hearts desire. They let you know how they work it all out, but I haven't put that here as it's a bit long winded with the bulk of my reading which I've already included. This entry links through, so if you want you can link through and try it for yourself.
I'm not the type of person who holds a lot of stock with Star signs and all the rest, though I do enjoy reading them - saying that though, I was pretty amazed at how accurate some of this report was, most of what's written below applies to me.
"Your life path says a lot about you, so please read the following very carefully ...
Liam, your Life Path of 2 ...
As a '2', you are all about peace, harmony and finding balance in everything. You are happiest when you are with a soul mate or at the very least, a really good business partner or friend. Your concern for others and diplomatic ways assure you of popularity and plenty of friends and supporters throughout your entire life.If you are a number 2 you have an uncanny ability to understand others. Many of you are blessed with enhanced intuition and you make great doctors, psychiatrists and healers. As so many are willing to support your biggest belief, which is that "justice should prevail" many of you also end up becoming beloved politicians or columnists. You are at your best when working in a team rather than a leader. Your perfect position is the leader's right hand man or woman. You make a great husband or wife! The reason you often fail at being a leader is because you want to please everyone and don't have the heart to say no! Your ability to cooperate with others often pays off handsomely for you. Your prime concern is not being rich, but "doing what you love so the money will come." You have a humane and humorous approach to life that others find very attractive. However, you are often self-sacrificing (sometimes to a fault) because you also need the approval of others. Being a two, this is because you see others reactions to you as being a mirror of who you really are. If others are unhappy with you, you risk experiencing an unhealthy dissatisfaction that can lead to a lack of confidence or low self-esteem. The number 2 life path usually includes one other person that is with you or is a heavy influence on you for your entire life. You might have a tendency to see your lover and yourself as one soul or one person. Depending on how healthy this connection is you might be with this person your entire life or waste a lot of your life yearning to be with this person. Unrequited love is more painful for you than other numbers. Love, beauty and art are also very important to you. You love the idea of symmetry and this leads to a love of classic art, poetry and of course music. Your surroundings are also very important to you, as they are a reflection of who you are. You love old things, sentimental things and collect objects that touch your heart. If you are not an artist yourself, then you will at least have an interest in the subject. Many 2's often find a soul mate in another artist and become the patron. This is because you love it when others hold up beautiful mirrors of society. Sometimes 2's are vulnerable to obsessive compulsive behaviors because they are so addicted to perfection. In fact the karmic path of many number twos is to learn not to become depressed or disappointed when people or situations turn out less than perfect. You are sensitive to other's feelings but are also easily hurt when others are incapable of returning the consideration. Many 2's spend their early years learning how to not take the actions of others personally. You are the best friend that any other number in numerology could possibly have are often self-less to a fault. Others sense your deep faith in human nature and are so touched by it that they often fulfill your desires just to see you smile.
Your Expression - which describes your potential natural talents and abilities - works out to be a 5.
What a '5' Expression Means About You
Now that we've done the calculations, what does this actually mean?
Liam, your Expression of 5 ... Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities
You are optimistic, inquisitive and embrace change. You are a freedom-loving individual who expresses their love of independence often through a bohemian or unusual life style. You are blessed with a brilliant creative mind that is never at a loss for a solution to a problem. As your independence is so important to you, you thrive best in creative occupations that allow you a great deal of travel. You have an eye for design and appreciate the good things in life. In fact, you may spend a lot of your time trying to figure out how to get these things without having to work too hard. If you are a typical five then you will meet with the most success by selling some aspect of yourself or your talent. The height of your personal expression is in your talent for persuasion. This is why you are best suited for jobs in media, marketing and design. You very much believe that a person is defined by what he does and not what he wants to do so any business or project that you start will be very much branded with your personal flair. It is a number 5 that tends to name a business after himself or send out a resume with a photo. When it comes to business you also tend to have a "hands on" approach as you rely a lot on your wit, charm and good looks to get what you want. Once the deal is sealed, however, you sometimes have difficulty seeing it through to completion. This is because your brilliant mind is captured by so many other interests that it is difficult for you to focus sometimes. Sometimes your need to express your independence brings you to a critical point in both your professional and personal relationships. You are terrified of being stuck in one place or having your free spirit suffocated by labels and possessiveness. For this reason many of you feel quite suffocated in relationships or are unable to hold down a day job for any length of time. You are very popular socially because you are the life of every party. You have light nimble mind and have excellent verbal skills. You also have enormous powers of analysis that gives you an edge when it comes to investing money, judging others and avoiding harmful situations. You are also very accepting of new people and new ideas. The last thing that could ever be said of you is that you are closed minded. You will try anything once and you often respond willingly to a dare. However, sometimes your permissiveness leads to relationships with odd or unstable individuals. Romantically others may find you hard to get close to as you would rather sit and chat than get intimate. Others fail to understand that the most valued expression of your love is the expression of your hopes and dreams to another. You are also very pragmatic when it comes to all of your relationships and believe in treating everyone equally. Deep down you are very philosophical about relationships and believe that no person should be so important that he or she should have the power to make you happy or sad. This can often distress your soul mate who doesn't feel that special in your presence. Part of your challenge might be showing through your actions, how loving all without sacrificing one can be achieved.
Now, Let's Examine Your Soul Urge(also known as your "Heart's Desire")
In your case Liam, this totals 9.
Liam, your Soul Urge of 9 ...What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life
The highest expression of your soul's urge is to connect in a mystical way with others. Although your aspirations are lofty, you are also a humanitarian who is often gifted with a sharp intuition and keen analytical skills. Often you give up opportunities that should be yours, simply to help another. This is because your faith in yourself, god and the future is so strong that you live by your conviction that the universe is always unfolding as it should. Others simply do not possess your spiritual sophistication and may be amused or repelled by what they see as your irrational talk or beliefs. You may be accused of being stupid or foolish simply because you won't take the bait (of a job or money) at the expense of your ethics. Compared to the other numbers, you excel at letting go of lovers or opportunities simply because you know you can't take emotions and material goods with you when you die. As you are driven more by compassion than common sense, you are the first to fall on your sword for a worthy cause. You may often be broke because you see money only as a tool of change. You would much rather spend money on art, charity or a trip. In fact, ostentatious displays of wealth anger and disgust you because your ideal is a world where all humans are equal. You might appear very eccentric to others who don't quite understand your fascination with the spiritual world or your insistence on being a seeker of truth. Furthermore nines tend to get carried away when it comes to trying to heal or connect to others. The biggest mistake you could make is to try and be an "agent of karma" by meddling or interfering in other people's affairs. As you are so talented psychically, you often become a liability in business simply because people in authority resent your ability to perceive their secrets. You rarely rise very high on the corporate ladder simply because others see you as a threat to their cloak of political intrigue. You have a soul that must be continually assured and fed with new sources of spiritual information. To stay healthy, your psyche may require that you make special trips to holy or mystical places. You may have to seek out special teaching to help you understand and cultivate your talents so that you are in control, as opposed to terrorized by them. Being able to foresee the future or see through other people is often painful, so some therapy might be required in your life to help you detach from your own sensitivity. One of the sins you are most vulnerable to is spiritual pride. This can bring you situations that cause your faith to be seriously tested or where your pride can take a big fall. Many nines often find themselves subject to a lesson in becoming humble by the cosmos simply because they were too boastful of their talents. Making money off of your psychic talents may also cause you some problems, as part of your path is to heal without the expectation of reward. If you are working professionally as a psychic and are a nine, then remember to tithe at least one tenth of your earnings towards a worthy cause. However the highest calling of your soul urge is to share your intuitive talents for free."