Tuesday, 05 June 2007

A dream with wings

I’ve just now remembered part of a dream I had last night, its strange how you can have a memory of it later, and I takes you a while to remember it was a dream. Well in this case not so long, ‘cause flying is just impossible – pity that.

It’s been a long while since I’ve flown or floated in my dreams and I really love it, I wish I could take a dream flight every night – I tried googling the meaning of flying in dreams and got a whole lot of stuff, a lot of which is contradictory, but they say it’s a from of lucid dreaming, when you’re aware and awake in you’re dream and can control it.

All the times I’ve had flying dreams, I’ve started flying in different ways – in the one I start by taking bigger and bigger jumps, and end up taking massive high strides 10’s of meters into the air, in the one I was falling and ended up swooping before I hit the ground, and there have been various other ones. In this one I started kind of jumping not even a meter up and flapping my hands at my side, and rotating slowly, before I put my feet back down. It was almost like I was weightless in space, then realizing this (and obviously realizing I was in a dream I started floating around… then soon I was swooping and soaring… I can’t wait to dream again tonight.


Sara said...

That's so weird. I was literally about to write a post on my own blog about flying in dreams (that's really odd that we'd be writing about the exact same thing at the same time). I heard a song a few minutes ago that reminded me of all of my flying dreams, and this was before I read your post. Anyway, sometimes I'm Superman, most times I'm flying away from something and the dream represents freedom. But you're right, most times I start flying in different ways, it's so cool! Here's the lyrics to part of a song by Patty Griffin that I like:
"And I wish that you could see me when I'm flying in my dreams,
The way I laugh there way up high, the way I look when I fly."

liam said...

I like the line from the song, it's definitely something you wish you could share and show someone - flying in your dreams, being so free - and laughing is definitely associated with it.
There's no reason you still can't write about flying in your dreams on your blog :-)

Anonymous said...

I'v also had similar dreams bout flying. Also runnin and jumpin, then just floating for a bit. Cant remember anytimes recently that i've flown in my dreams. Hope i do again soon tho! Its an awesome feeling!

liam said...

It had been a long while for me too until a couple nights ago... I think it was Monday... I haven't had any that I can remember since though :-(

noodle said...

you guys are gonna love Heroes…

liam said...

I keep missing it or only catching the end - it's the night my brother and I play Touch Rugby and we always get convinced to stay for another beer - it's really hard getting by with a rubber arm.

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