Tuesday, 07 April 2009

Road Trips are Fun.

We (Caro & I) went down to near port Alfred in the Eastern Cape recently for Caro’s cousins 21st. The party was good, and the location was amazing – right on one of South Africa’s most amazing wildest coastlines, with large dunes and a very cold sea (Caro’s got more photo’s of those so I’ll have to get them from her before posting them up here).

What I really enjoyed though was the journey, I know being stuck in a car for over 10 hours can be a bit much, but road trips like that have there own appeal. We did the journey in Caro’s Uncles Kombi and with her Sister Mother and younger Cousin there was plenty of space, so when I wasn’t taking my driving duties from Caro’s mom or sister, we were using one another as pillows as we napped, or enjoying the Beautiful scenery of the Eastern Cape. Or talking reading and entertaining one another.

Road trips are fun.


Dean said...

ja liam, road trips are always good! looking forward to the trip up to the mountains as well as the hike..

liam said...

Should be good, looking forward to it too. See you when you get back