Wednesday, 08 August 2007

Caught Up in the Traffic of Life…

Caught Up in the Traffic of Life… ...I think that pretty much sums me up lately, in fact I think it would relate to a lot of us – we get so caught up in work, and doing our daily living routines – that we don’t realize that at times the road we’ve been diverted onto, that is building up more traffic, is actually a very scenic one, one we’ve not been on before and so should be enjoying a lot more. Instead we are focused on the road and getting to the end of it.
Why when we’re living our lives is our focus to get to the end of the week – to get to the end of an assignment or project, to get to the end of the journey that’s leading us somewhere, but when we talk about living life and it’s ideals, we complain that we never have enough time – when we’ve wished it away.
In case you didn’t pick it up I’ve been trying to use a bit of an analogy here – and using it as a main reason why I haven’t posted anything – I’ve been caught up, and truthfully, a little uninspired by my life – that’s not to say that I don’t have a great life and I am surrounded by amazing people who I love to share it with, I guess sometimes you just don’t feel you have anything exceptional worth sharing. The thing is sometimes you don’t know what you have to share until you open you’re mouth – and then you catch yourself thinking “where did I get that from?” Everyone has a part so play in one another’s life no matter how small and sometimes it’s not the part you’d have liked to have played. At the end of the day you realize that you can be no-one but yourself, and some will love you for it, and others… well they won’t.
Don’t get too caught up with the task of life, rather get lost in the small detours.


Dean said...

jus hey liam, pretty profound perspective (p.p.p.)
ja i is finking you should join me here and check out new fings. its a very different life here compared to what i did about 2/3yrs ago, always something new around the corner. ok its a bit exhausting sometimes, but for now its all good. its being constantly surrounded by the same and new people every day that keeps things interesting...

liam said...

Exhausting? dude I thort u only worked like 6 hrs a day (heh heh) - can't say I got any plans to be of anywhere right now. We'll see you back here next month.

Sara said...

I liked this post Liam. The end was kind of like what I had written on my blog today about people accepting you or not accepting you. I guess that's alright though, because some people will love you and ultimately God loves you more than anyone else.
I also know what you mean about not being inspired to write in your blog, it's hard sometimes.

Anonymous said...

"There no short cuts to any place worth going!"
*Life's a jorney enjoy the ride!*
I feel the trick is finding joy in the smallest things wen the journey is long or ruff.
~Stopping to smell the roses~
Good post Luv.