Friday, 13 August 2010

Toe & Hitch - "Gone Fishing"

(Colour Version Coming Soon)Hey They're back! With a lot of help from Caroline - while I love reading Cartoons and drawing them, I battle with the right thought process to be able to come up with a convincing series. Where the characters are developed and they have a background so you can come up with funny situations and continuations of stories time after time.

Anyway thanks to Caroline for feeling bored enough to tackle another "Toe & Hitch" strip for me, she put a lot of thought behind the characters & their backgrounds I know you don’t see it all here but it helps me when I’m drawing their expressions when I have a solid understanding of what the character is like, and obviously for any future strips you’ll do. I mean there’s a whole new cast of characters she’s created with her character background. And of course this funny storyline… well we think its pretty funny. Hope you enjoy!


CaroBell said...

when's the next one? :)

liam said...

When you sending me the next script? ;) Ja i need to make some time to do some more strips... even some more posts here.